Appear To Vanish Video
I'm excited to announce that pre-production has begun for the corresponding video project to my book, Appear To Vanish. I've always wanted to put out a video to explain and demonstrate concealment concepts without having to do short video series, maintain a video platform, or learn the technical ins-and-outs of filming. I'll be working with a small, state-of-the-art filmmaker in Australia who has the capability of filming in full 4K digital resolution, on-location private property, and utilizing the same virtual film production techniques as used on Disney's The Mandalorian series and several video game/virtual reality platforms.
Due to travel restrictions, using virtual environments means we can still film anywhere we want using the latest technology; while reducing travel budgets, permit acquisitions and fees, accommodations, and side-stepping intrusive quarantine mandates. The video will feature some of the latest innovative gear and camo patterns from some of the best camouflage companies, camoufluers, and graphic designers from around the world. Plus, some of the latest civilian available technological advances in the world of stealth and individualized concealment. Camo companies that would like to have their patterns showcased in the video to demonstrate the concepts mentioned in my book are welcomed and encouraged to contact me via email at: [email protected] to discuss an appropriate level of involvement and sponsorship of the project. |